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Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement 2019

Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement 2019: A Blueprint for Indigenous Empowerment

The Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement 2019 is a historic document that aims to improve the health, education, and economic outcomes for Indigenous Australians. The agreement was signed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and the National Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organizations, representing 40 Indigenous peak bodies. This partnership agreement follows ten years of the Closing the Gap strategy, which aimed to reduce the gap in life expectancy, education, and employment between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

The partnership agreement recognizes that Indigenous Australians experience significant disadvantage and that the previous Closing the Gap strategy delivered limited progress towards achieving its targets. The agreement acknowledges that the previous approach was too focused on government solutions and did not sufficiently involve Indigenous peoples and communities in shaping and implementing the strategy. The new agreement emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach between government and Indigenous peoples. The agreement has been designed to empower Indigenous communities to lead change and improve outcomes for their people.

The partnership agreement sets out four priority areas: closing the gap in life expectancy and child mortality; increasing the number of Indigenous children attending and completing school; increasing Indigenous employment and economic participation; and reducing the incarceration rates of Indigenous Australians.

To achieve these priorities, the partnership agreement recognizes that Indigenous peoples need to be involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of policies and programs. The agreement sets out a number of mechanisms to ensure Indigenous voices are heard and respected, including a Joint Council to oversee the implementation of the agreement and a partnership agreement implementation plan developed by Indigenous peak bodies.

The agreement also recognizes the need to address systemic racism and discrimination faced by Indigenous Australians and the need for cultural safety and respect in service delivery. The agreement emphasizes the importance of building the cultural competency of government and non-government service providers.

The Closing the Gap Partnership Agreement 2019 is a step towards empowering Indigenous Australians and improving outcomes for their communities. The agreement recognizes the need for a more collaborative and inclusive approach and provides a blueprint for how this can be achieved. It is important that all parties commit to the partnership agreement and work towards achieving its targets. By working together, we can close the gap in life expectancy, education, employment, and incarceration rates between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians and create a more just and equitable society.


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