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Local 793 Collective Agreement 2020

The Local 793 collective agreement for 2020 has been a topic of significant interest for those in the construction industry in Ontario. As a professional, I will explore what the collective agreement entails and how it impacts workers and employers in the region.

Local 793 is a union representing operating engineers in Ontario, Canada. The collective agreement is an agreement reached between the union and employers that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for the workers. The new collective agreement for 2020 covers a three-year period, running from May 1, 2020, to April 30, 2023.

One significant change in the new agreement is the wage increase for workers. Over the three-year period, workers will receive an increase of 2.5% in the first year, 2.75% in the second year, and 3% in the third year. This increase in wages will have a significant impact on the living standards of the workers and their families.

Another notable aspect of the collective agreement is the increase in pension contributions and benefits. Employers are required to contribute 10.5% of the employees` hourly rate towards the pension fund. This is up from 9.5% in the previous agreement. Additionally, the agreement includes provisions for health and welfare benefits.

The collective agreement also includes provisions related to safety on job sites. Employers are required to provide workers with appropriate safety equipment and training to ensure that they can carry out their duties safely. The agreement also includes provisions for the protection of workers who report safety concerns or refuse to work in unsafe conditions.

The Local 793 collective agreement for 2020 is significant for both workers and employers in the construction industry in Ontario. The increase in wages and benefits will improve the living standards of workers and their families. Additionally, the provisions related to safety on job sites will help ensure that workers can carry out their duties safely. For employers, the agreement provides stability and predictability in labor costs over the three-year period.

In conclusion, the Local 793 collective agreement for 2020 is a positive development for workers and employers in the construction industry in Ontario. As a professional, I hope that this article provides useful information to those interested in the agreement and its impact on the industry.


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