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Which Sentence Displays Correct Subject-Verb Agreement Jiskha

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of sentence construction. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. The subject refers to the person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, while the verb represents the action or state of being expressed by the sentence. When the subject and the verb agree in number and person, the sentence is grammatically correct.

One of the most common errors in subject-verb agreement is when the subject and the verb have different numbers. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural.

In the context of Jiskha, which sentence displays correct subject-verb agreement? Let`s look at some examples:

1. The student studies hard for his exams.

2. The students study hard for their exams.

In the first sentence, the subject is “the student,” which is singular, and the verb is “studies,” which is also singular. Therefore, the subject and the verb agree in number, making the sentence grammatically correct.

In the second sentence, the subject is “the students,” which is plural, and the verb is “study,” which is also plural. Hence, the subject and the verb agree in number, making the sentence grammatically correct.

It`s important to note that subject-verb agreement extends beyond singular and plural forms. It also involves ensuring that the verb agrees with the person (first, second, or third) of the subject.

Let`s consider another example:

1. I am going to the store.

2. He is going to the store.

In the first sentence, the subject is “I,” which is the first person singular, and the verb is “am,” which is the first person singular form of the verb “to be.” Hence, the subject and the verb agree in person, making the sentence grammatically correct.

In the second sentence, the subject is “he,” which is the third person singular, and the verb is “is,” which is the third person singular form of the verb “to be.” Therefore, the subject and the verb agree in person, making the sentence grammatically correct.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of writing grammatically correct sentences. When writing for Jiskha, it`s crucial to ensure that your sentences display the correct subject-verb agreement. Remember that it involves not only the subject`s number but also its person. By paying attention to these details, you can create clear and concise sentences that effectively convey your ideas to your audience.


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